Tag Archives: Weihnachtslied

Santa Dart Bird

23 Dec

Click to enlarge christmasly


Santa Dart Bird shows us the world,
He helps us to understand each word,
Santa Dart is – oh look – a bird!
He is a funny fellow,
His humour shines so bright,
I will offer him my pillow
And will then kiss him good night!

Santa Dart Bird, Santa Dart Bird,
Santa Dart Bird is coming to town.
Santa Dart is coming to town.

Santa Dart Bird helps Santa Claus,
He wears a red shirt, never making a pause.
Santa Dart is seeking applause!
He brings us all the presents
That we are waiting for,
He teaches us the lessons:
Chapter one to chapter four.

Santa Dart Bird, Santa Dart Bird,
Santa Dart Bird is coming to town.
Santa Dart is coming to town.

Sensitive topic. Therefore comments off.