Archive | October, 2011

Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi

31 Oct

via: Awesome People Hanging Out Together

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Antiker Fußpilzcheck

31 Oct

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Will McBride

31 Oct

Portraitiert von unserem Redaktionsfotografen Andreas Baier

Will McBride ist eine der letzten lebenden Fotografenlegenden, die den Grundstein ihres Ruhmes in den 1960ern legten. Viel für das von Adolf Theobald und Stefan Wolf gegründete Magazin «Twen» unterwegs, für dessen Erscheinungsbild kein geringerer als Willy Fleckhaus verantwortlich zeichnete, das wesentlich zum Erfolg der Zeitschrift beitrug und bis heute einen nahezu legendären Ruf genießt, realisierte Will McBride u.a. jenes Bild von der Kommune 1, das zur Ikone der 68er-Bewegung wurde:

So ist es auch nicht weiter verwunderlich, daß der Verleger Benedikt Taschen, selbst als Kind von Chargesheimer im Auftrage seiner Eltern portraitiert, wiederum seine eigenen Kinder von McBride vor reichlich zwanzig Jahren in Arles anläßlich der «Rencontres International de la Photographie» fotografieren ließ.

Anfang diesen Jahres feierte Will McBride seinen achtzigsten Geburtstag. Kürzlich übernahm er den Vorsitz der diesjährigen DDC-Jury «Gute Gestaltung 12» in der Sektion «Foto und Film».

Meerschweinchenreport wünscht Will McBride weiterhin alles Gute für seinen schöpferischen Lebensweg.

Foto von Kommune 1 via «This is Jane Wayne».

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Haute Cuisine

31 Oct

Haute cuisine or grande cuisine was characterised by French cuisine in elaborate preparations and presentations served in small and numerous courses that were produced by large and hierarchical staffs at the grand restaurants and hotels of Europe. Read more on Wikipedia.

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Vier harmlose kleine Babyeisbären treiben in ihren Träumen auf einer Minieisscholle auf offener See ihrem erbarmungslosen Schicksal entgegen…

30 Oct

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Jürgen Dollhase nutzt die Extrastunde Winterzeit, um für Meerschweinchenreport exklusiv ein Extrasandwich zu testen

30 Oct

Foto: Michael Eibes

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Alfred Hitchcock und die Winterzeit

30 Oct

Alfred Hitchcock nimmt von seinem Zeitenstapel eine Stunde weg und bekennt sich so zur schöpferischen und wohltuenden Kraft der Winterzeit.

Als Alfred Hitchcock erfuhr, daß er seine Filme zukünftig eine Stunde früher fertigzustellen habe, verzog sich seine Miene finster und steinern, was der sich in seiner ständigen Begleitung befindenden Standuhr nicht unverborgen blieb und sie sich loyalerweise deshalb dazu entschloß, ein ebenso versteinert wirkenden Gesichtsausdruck aufzulegen, was im Endeffekt dazu führte, daß die Zeit unverändert blieb. Man kann also im privaten Bereich einiges gegen staatlich verordneten Irrsinn erfolgreich unternehmen.

Unsere lieben Meerschweinchenreportleserinnen und -leser! Was nach Lektüre der beiden vorstehenden Bildunterschriften wie ein heftiger Widerspruch wirken mag, ist jedoch keiner. Wir sollten einmal gemeinsam darüber nachdenken.

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Unsere Originalzeit ist zurück!

30 Oct

Harold Lloyd in action

Da ist sie wieder: unsere Originalzeit. Sie fühlt sich wohl, dreht weiterhin unbekümmert am Rad – und bringt ihre Unterstützer zum Rotieren. Wohl dem, der hier versucht vom fahrenden Zug zu springen. Systemkritik? Systemkritik.

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USB Aroma Drive

29 Oct

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Jonathan Ive: «Apple’s Industrial Design Guru Talks About His Work»

26 Oct

After featuring Dieter Rams recently on Meerschweinchenreport we think it’s only fair enough to highlight an interview with Apple’s design guru Jonathan Ive who strongly relies on Dieter Rams’ design philosophy.

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Hunter S. Thompson: «Buy The Book, Take The Ride!»

26 Oct

Hunter S. Thompson, Miami Bookfair International, 1988

«A new book, to be released at the end of this month, collects of many of Hunter S. Thompson’s articles published in Rolling Stone magazine. ‘Buy the ticket, take the ride,’ was a favorite slogan of Hunter S. Thompson, and it pretty much defined both his work and his life. ‘Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone‘ showcases the roller-coaster of a career at the magazine that was his literary home.»

Read more on «Pas Un Autre».

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Dieter Rams: «Cold War Modern»

20 Oct

50 years ago, record players didn’t look like machines. They looked like old-fashioned, brown wood furniture. But in 1956, Dieter Rams’s SK4 record player, nicknamed Snow White’s Coffin, changed all that.

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Ben Vautier: «Let’s Fuck.»

20 Oct

Fluxus and the Essential Questions of Life», a major traveling exhibition based on the Hood Museum of Art’s George Maciunas Memorial Collection of Fluxus art, is «designed for visitors to experience the radical and influential cultural development that Fluxus was, and maybe learn something about themselves along the way.»

Yes, we can but we need not to say so.

via: Pas Un Autre

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Puma: «Mut zur Lücke»

20 Oct

via: Copyranter

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Edward R. Murrow

16 Oct

Click to enlarge dramatically

Photograph showing Edward R. Murrow in his office, 1957.
Source: the University of Maryland Library.
Copyright holder: United States of America

Read the full story about the fascinating man who once dragged McCarthy out of his office.

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Geneva Drive

12 Oct

One application of the Geneva drive is in movie projectors: the film does not run continuously through the projector. Instead, the film is advanced frame by frame, each frame standing still in front of the lens for 1/24 of a second (and being exposed twice in that time, resulting in a frequency of 48 Hz).

The first uses of the Geneva drive in film projectors go back to 1896 to the projectors of Oskar Messter and Max Gliewe and the Teatrograph of Robert William Paul.

Read more about this fascinating piece of mechanics on Wikipedia.

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Anlage zur Durchführung religiös motivierter Fußwaschungen

11 Oct

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Berlin School of Creative Leadership: «Hartmut Ostrowski’s President’s Lecture»

10 Oct

Hartmut Ostrowski is Bertelsmann’s CEO and about to give his President’s Lecture at the Berlin School of Creative Leadership. Your most loveliest and gorgeous Hamlet Hamster calls himself an expert in almost all sorts of creative things, however, not in business affairs at all. So, please do not expect a summary of Hartmut Ostrowski’s speech. It could only produce confusion. On the photograph: Michael Conrad, President of the Berlin School, Hartmut Ostrowski, CEO Bertelsmann, Sebastian Turner, Scholz & Friends’ former Big Brain!, and two young gentlemen from Bertelsmann as well.

Sebastian Turner, the two young gentlemen from Bertelsmann and Michael Conrad discusses with Michael Schirner, GGK’s former Big Brain!.

Hartmut Ostrowski listens to one of the two young gentlemen from Bertelsmann.

Short before Mr Ostrowski’s President’s Lecture starts some this year’s BSCL-participants (Tom Hidvegi, Anca Nuta, Uroš Goričan and Kate Cox) are about to find out how it feels delivering a perfect performance.

Michael Conrad warmly welcomes Hartmut Ostrowski and reflects in front of the audience about his childhood-memories when the «Bertelsmann Buchclub» played a major part in it.

Rafael Aparicio, Hartmut Ostrowski and Sarah McGill.

Sarah McGill and Sebastian Turner.

Complete President’s Lectures on video tape.

Clark Parsons, Managing Director, Berlin School of Creative Leadership, addresses the importance of the President’s Lecture to the audience.

Sebastian Turner.

Hartmut Ostrowski starts his President’s Lecture.

Michael Schirner and Frances Luckin.

The microphone travels around the classroom. A lot of questions are waiting to be answered by Bertelsmann’s CEO.

Michael Conrad farewells Hartmut Ostrowski.

Get together after Hartmut Ostrowski’s President’s Lecture.

Same situation, seen from a different angle: Michael Schirner in contact with participants.

Participants, participants, participants: They all enjoy the Berlin-School-Lectures very much. On the right-hand side: Jennifer Hoff and Stein Kvae.

Uroš Goričan (blue shirt), André Stäheli, Rafael Aparicio, Anca Nuta (back) and Kate Cox (croissant).

Tom Hidvegi, Clark Parsons (back), Susann Schronen (digitally coloured hair), and two other participants who will wait patiently until they will be identified by our blog photographer Andreas Baier.

Michael Conrad welcomes guests.

Bertelsmann’s CEO Hartmut Ostrowski does Social Media via his smartphone.

Professor of Strategy & International Management, Paul Verdin, discusses with the two young gentlemen from Bertelsmann.

Professor of Strategy & International Management, Paul Verdin, discusses with Hartmut Ostrowski.

Rafael Aparicio discusses with Hartmut Ostrowski. Left: Kate Cox.

Sarah McGill, Nik Arnhold and Sebastian Turner.

Kazi Monirul Kabir, Sarah Mc Gill, Michael Conrad and Nik Arnhold.

Sebastian Turner leans forward and examines Hartmut Ostrowski’s and his assistant’s ties. His result: Perfect result! This day’s President’s Lecture at the Berlin School of Creative Leadership is all over now.

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Pink Floyd: «Welcome To The Vintage Exercise Machines»

10 Oct

More on How to be a retronaut.

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Hippocratic Oath of a Photographer

10 Oct

Click to enlarge seemingly – It’s simply worth reading it

We already mentioned the copyright holder of this «Hippocratic Oath of a Photographer», Dr. Mehemed Fehmy Agha, when we reported about a lecture Prof. Olaf Leu was giving at Hilger & Boie’s office. It was about the new American typography, and how these three famous russian art directors Alexey Brodovitch, Dr. Mehemed Fehmy Agha and Alexander Liberman were influencing, not to say, creating it.

Dr. Mehemed Fehmy Agha wrote «his» Hippocratic Oath of a Photographer in the year 1937 for U.S. Camera. The Weblog alistairhenning writes: «Not only is this an absolutely brilliant poem/rant, it is also an indispensable piece of advice for any camera happy person who is seeking to avoid the dreaded photographic cliché.»

In our opinion some thoughts of this photographer’s oath should become part of international law. Why? Well, we also already reflected about some specialists who had no problem to taking over a dead body in order to rearrange it in a way only a studio photographer does. The place was Haiti after the earthquake; the victim 15 year old Fabienne Cherisma who was accidentally shot by the police; and the criminal photographers James Oatway, Olivier Laban-Mattei, Fredric Sautereau, Lucas Oleniuk and Paul Hansen had absolutely no problems mistreating her that way:

Second photograph by Nathan Weber

Please note that her whole body was set into scene the way they thought it might please international audiences best. Meanwhile, these photographs got a lot of internationally respected awards. In his interview, eye-witness and photographer Nathan Weber gave to the magazine «Prison Photography», he describes quite precisely what had happened on location.

Interestingly, there are still folks out there discussing the dangerous power of advertising. Haha…

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